//Forever Imperfect
Happy 2Months

Friday, April 6 @ 01:08 | 0 Comment [s]

Hai everyone bye everyone. How are you? Owh Im fine :) Im happy
now because I didn't come to school hehe. Im lazy want to go
school btw, I cirit birit bhahaha xD Fuuhh Im tired you know! I always
want going to the toilet, brrr -.-' Hm, now I feel like jiwa kacau. I dont know
what I think. And I feel want to jump down from level 20. I stress right
now! What I do everything wrongg. Everyday to be angry. Hm so sad :<

K aku rasa sekarang ni aku suka speaking doh, macam best :D Tapy BI 
still tak dapat A :( Aku rasa enn aku dah sebulan tak hang. Fuyooo
lame kaaaan? Haha biaselah, budak baru belajar. Weyh aku lapaa :/ Nak
makan. Suap kan bolee? K aku gedik, I know it. Time dekat sekolah
enn, kadangkadang aku rase macam terpinggir doh. Sebab membe aku 
kalau dah jumpe Si Ratu Joke tu memang lupe terus akuu. Tak ngat terus aku 
siape. Name aku pun ntah ngat lagi ke tidak. Bestie aku time form1 tu pun
dah lari. Sejak aku turun class ni die mane nak layan aku. Time Farhah takde
baru sibuk nak cari aku, nak tunggu aku, rehat sesame, baru nak tunggu aku abis
makan. Kalau tak, hm ke laut semue tu. K nevermind, dah biasa :')

Okay back to the topic. Actually, I have single for 2months :) Sangat gembira
dohh, serious. Memang aku nak 2months sorangsorang. Now I got it! Yeahyeahyeahhh!
Before 2months, aku reject semue lelaki haha kejam right? Hihihi :3 Aku bukan 
sesaje nak reject diorang but aku taknak couple. Aku dah malas, dah muak. Malas nak
dengar katekate nd janjijanji manis seorang lelaki :'3 Sorry. Untill now, 3orang 
yang tak dapat diterima dah tak layan aku. K good. Biasalah lelaki kan? Hahaha sorry guys.
Takde niat langsung nak reject korang but I dont want to let down again. My heart is not
for hurt but my heart for be loved and adored. I hope you guys understand what I mean. After
this I want to be single for 3months :) 
Even single bosan but Im happy. Sometimes I feel I want a boyfriend hihihi >< Biasalah orang hidup takde teman memang cenggini. Tak caye try aa tanye sesape yang singlee. Mesti dorang pun samee

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Hye and Assalamualaikum. Eny here ♥ Have visited my blog don't forget to follow okay. Please respect my blog. One more thing, please don't be a copycat! Im only ordinary person. Thank You ^_^


Diary Nur Enysafiha I Love You


What you did, you get back. What goes around comes around :)
